Thursday 21 June 2012

Reflection of the year

In ICT I learned a lot of things. In unit 1.0 I learned how to present information , in unit 2.0 I learned how to select ,refining and using information, in unit 3.0 I learned modelling, in unit 4.0 I learned data handling and in unit 5.0 I learned inputs and outputs of the mechines and how to make flowcharts.Other than those things I learned some keywords that used in ICT classes. ICT IS WONDERFUL!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Case study 5

Q1. How many different things did you count? What were they? In what ways might computers be used to control different things in the supermarket?
 A1.10 different  things. They are the microwave, GPS, gas fill up, car park barrier, Car reverse sensor that goes beep, robot, automatic door, freezer, conveyer belt, pays with the card. The computer controls the air conditioner, the fans, the freezer, the lights, the conveyer belt, barcode sensor, automatic doors and the room temperature.

Q2. Why is it useful to use computers rather than people to control things? What problems might there be if any of the computer systems fail in the supermarket?
 A2. If we use people to control the machines then it will be slower and it is too much for them to control. People will wait for a very long time to get their turn in line.

Q3. Describe the inputs and outputs for the other devices that we have talked about so far. How do the supermarket doors and car park barriers know when to open? Identify other control systems that work automatically in this way.
A3. Microwave’s input is set the time and output is cook food,Alarm clock’s input is set the time and output is alarm on, Car barriers’ input is swap the card or punch the button, and output is open the door, Supermarket door’s input is move to the door and output is open the door.

Q4.What would happen if the instructions were wrong? These instructions assume that the car is in the right place. What would happen if the car were not there? How could they stop this happening?
A4.If the instrument  were wrong , the robot will drop the wind shield and broke it. If the car was not there the robot will automatically stop. They stop this happen by stop the mechine.

Monday 16 April 2012

Case study 4

1) Q: How could Mussie and Ellie find out whether older people do more for charity than younger people?
    A: They can look at some charity websites and search information they need or they can make questionnaires to some people to figure out their answers.

2) Q: Why does Mussie think that these data prove him right? Why might Ellie think that these do not prove him right?
A: Mussie think that these data prove him right because they looked at the numbers in the data, and it showed that elder people do more charity than younger people. Ellie thinks that these data do not prove him because this data is only from one charity and this might not be the case for all charities and the amount of money given by young people is going up every year, while the amount given by elder people is going down.

3) Q: What questions should they ask?
A: They should ask questions that can help them to figure out the answer, like ask people’s age and donations that they did or time that they spent on charity.

4) Q: How many questionnaires should they hand out? Who do you think should fill in their questionnaire?
A: I think elder people and young people all need to fill in their questionnaires.

5) Q: Which software could Mussie and Ellie use to put the answers into the computer? How can they check that the data are correct? How could they reduce the number of errors in the data? What problems might there be if the data were typed in incorrectly?
A: They put the data in excel in the computer. They can check it by using the spreadsheet model. They can type carefully and check every time they type. If they typed the data incorrectly, they might come to the wrong conclusion when they look at the data later on.

6) Q: What is the best way for Ellie and Mussie to present their results?
    A: They can present their results by graphs (especially pie chart).

Thursday 19 January 2012

Case Study 3

Case Study 3

1)     Q: What might be the differnences between a computer system set up for gaming compared to one set up for a business to use?
A:Business system wil be more expensive,business system wll be something that have more services about working(printing a lot of documents,saving a lot of documents ,which can help computer not to lose any file.Game system also will be expensive,but its services related to making game progamme and they also have other system or make computer faster .

2)    Q:Earl has got 800 to spend.How can Shaheen work out if he has got enough money?What if he hasnt got enough?What methods could shaheen use to help her work out the prices of these different options?
A:Shaheen can use calculator or Microsoft Excel.
      If he hasnt got enough he should take out one/two or more ,or book the game so next time he can get it or make another option and make the costs cheaper.
      She could use spreadsheet or calculator.
3)    Q:What does Shaheen need to do this spreadsheet model so that it is ready to use?
A:She  needs to add up the total price of all the items,and includes a cell where she can type in how much the customer has got to spend and adds another formula to work out whether the customer has got enough money, and then she adds a title and some text label and formats the spreadsheet.
4)    Q: How  can Shaheen use the spreadsheet model to help her with the new customer? What changes might she need to make to her spreadsheet model?
A:She open a new one and make a new spreadsheet which is about business systems.
  She needs to write down the different types of systems with the prices.

5)   Q: How else could Shaheen present this information to make it easier to read?
She can make a graph so that can present these information easier.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Loch monster Nessie does exist

The Loch Ness Monster does exist
In 1934 the first land sighting took place by Arthur Grant, while riding his motorcycle he reported seeing a creature that he said looked like a plesiosaur or a giant eel. It had bulky flippers, a long neck, and a small head.
 Sun reader Jason Cooke spotted "Nessie" while browsing the Web site's satellite photos.
The shape seen on the surface of the 22-mile Scottish loch is 65ft long and appears to have an oval body, a tail and four legs or flippers.

Loch monster Nessie does not exist

The Loch Ness Monster does not exist

Website : news,bbc,co,uk
BBC 'proves' Nessie does not exist:

   A BBC team says it has shown there is no such thing as the Loch Ness monster.
Using 600 separate sonar beams and satellite navigation technology to ensure that none of the loch was missed, the team surveyed the waters said to hide Scotland's legendary tourist attraction but no trace of the monster.
Previous reported sightings of the beast led to speculation that it might be a plesiosaur, a marine reptile which died out with the dinosaurs.
The team was convinced that such an animal could have survived in the cold waters of Loch Ness, despite the normal preference of marine reptiles for sub-tropical waters.
Ji Hea Choi

Thursday 3 November 2011

Case Study 2

Case study 2

  1. Where could Remy get his information from for this article?
      A; Remy can find information in google and others suitable website .

      2.   How can Remy use the internent to find what he wants?
                   A; Remy can search from the internent and find the most refinding answer.

3.Why has Remy got over two million results ?Why are some of the websites he has                                    found not relevant/ how could Remy improve the results?

                    A; Remy got over million results because when he searches  all the information  are shown in the websites.
                   Some websites can not be found relevant because everybody can  write their own opinion  in the websites .
                   Remy can find one suitable website and find the information in there.

     4. Can Remy trust this information? Why might in be unreliable.
                 A:   Remy cannot trust this information. It might be unreliable because the sentences didn’t say who write this.

      5. What software should Remy use? What should he do before he starts using the software.
                A:    Remy should use word publishing tools. He should check the words and information are correct.

      6. How can Remy design and write the article so that it will appeal to Remy’s readers?

                 A:     Once Remy is happy with the design, he can finshed the articles  on the websites.