Saturday 26 November 2011

Loch monster Nessie does exist

The Loch Ness Monster does exist
In 1934 the first land sighting took place by Arthur Grant, while riding his motorcycle he reported seeing a creature that he said looked like a plesiosaur or a giant eel. It had bulky flippers, a long neck, and a small head.
 Sun reader Jason Cooke spotted "Nessie" while browsing the Web site's satellite photos.
The shape seen on the surface of the 22-mile Scottish loch is 65ft long and appears to have an oval body, a tail and four legs or flippers.

Loch monster Nessie does not exist

The Loch Ness Monster does not exist

Website : news,bbc,co,uk
BBC 'proves' Nessie does not exist:

   A BBC team says it has shown there is no such thing as the Loch Ness monster.
Using 600 separate sonar beams and satellite navigation technology to ensure that none of the loch was missed, the team surveyed the waters said to hide Scotland's legendary tourist attraction but no trace of the monster.
Previous reported sightings of the beast led to speculation that it might be a plesiosaur, a marine reptile which died out with the dinosaurs.
The team was convinced that such an animal could have survived in the cold waters of Loch Ness, despite the normal preference of marine reptiles for sub-tropical waters.
Ji Hea Choi

Thursday 3 November 2011

Case Study 2

Case study 2

  1. Where could Remy get his information from for this article?
      A; Remy can find information in google and others suitable website .

      2.   How can Remy use the internent to find what he wants?
                   A; Remy can search from the internent and find the most refinding answer.

3.Why has Remy got over two million results ?Why are some of the websites he has                                    found not relevant/ how could Remy improve the results?

                    A; Remy got over million results because when he searches  all the information  are shown in the websites.
                   Some websites can not be found relevant because everybody can  write their own opinion  in the websites .
                   Remy can find one suitable website and find the information in there.

     4. Can Remy trust this information? Why might in be unreliable.
                 A:   Remy cannot trust this information. It might be unreliable because the sentences didn’t say who write this.

      5. What software should Remy use? What should he do before he starts using the software.
                A:    Remy should use word publishing tools. He should check the words and information are correct.

      6. How can Remy design and write the article so that it will appeal to Remy’s readers?

                 A:     Once Remy is happy with the design, he can finshed the articles  on the websites.


    Hello! Everybody i am the student in K,I,S.I need a lot of things to improve,so i made this blog..I have learn  consisdent design , insert sounds and correct pictures and  many other things.I wish i can learn different kinds of  technology   about ICT.My hobbies are playing badminton , reading ,listening to music.I have a bouncy personality but when i am studying i will become very quiet and serious.
    Thank You !!!